My Experience as a First-Time Writers’ Conference Faculty

The first week in March met me with a wonderful new opportunity as a first-time guest at the Florida Christian Writers’ Conference (FCWC). I am grateful to the conference director, Billie Wilson, who saw fit to accept my request to attend, and to my supervisors who saw it beneficial enough to count the three days as work time.

The conference was held at the Lake Yale Conference Center located by one of the many beautiful lakes Central Florida is spotted with.

Along with the thick wooded areas that intertwined themselves between the modest 1960s-style buildings, the setting would have been a perfect spot for inspiration had it not been so chilly. I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy the outdoors on this trip. Florida has been uncharacteristically cold this winter and spring, and anything below 70 is cold to me.

I wouldn’t have had much time for reflection anyway. My days were pleasantly filled with meeting with writers who had a passion for their craft and wanted to share their gifts with the world.

When I stepped in the door of the Raintree auditorium on that cool Wednesday afternoon (day one and faculty meet-and-greet day), Billie met me with a joyful, “Hello, Jevon. So glad you could come,” and four manuscripts that were awaiting my editorial critique. No time to be laid back and play the newbie card. But that wasn’t too bad; I could handle that much. They had to be read, marked up with comments and suggestions, and returned to the hospitality desk by Thursday before noon. (This is what I thought I heard, but later, after I had stayed up ’til midnight and rushed to have mine in “on time,” I found out that I didn’t actually have to have them in until Friday before 5:00 p.m. or something.) Although I was a novice writers’ conference attendee, being a half-way experienced book publishing professional somehow balanced out my newness to the whole scene. I am also not afraid to ask questions, and I did ask lots of them: “What time is it?” “Where am I supposed to be?” “Who do I turn this into?” “What is your name again?” “What was I just saying?”

The schedule was an exciting whirlwind of activities. I inched my way through the hallways and foyers to the many appointments as every few feet I was being stopped and introduced to a first-time conferee or one who had been bold enough to make the first move and meet me on their own. Idea after idea was hurled at me like a merciless dodge-ball game. This conference presented possible once-in-a-lifetime moments every smart writer knew they needed to seize, and I am sure every other faculty member was equally as in demand.

The Writers
Adding together both my sit-down and walking appointments, I must have met with about forty writers from all over the world—some as far as Canada and South Africa. At every meal from Thursday afternoon to Saturday’s dinner, I hosted about five writers at my table at one time. It was incredible. I came away with stacks of queries, proposals, and full manuscripts. I was able to do this because I was one of the few faculty who was local. I didn’t have to worry about lugging anything onto a plane.

My experience was highlighted by the sheer talent and creativeness that the writers possessed. For me it was different than going through a slush pile. A few of the conferees, who had observed my marathon-like schedule, asked me, “How are you doing this with so much energy? You are listening so intently to all these different people and their ideas.”

I responded to them, yet more to myself, “How can I not? I am just amazed at all the life and creativeness these writers have. I mean, it takes a lot to write a book and leave yourself open for acceptance or rejection by some stranger. Even if there is nothing else I can do but listen and be excited about what they’re doing, I owe them that honor.”

There was a seriousness and higher level of talent and thoughtfulness that I saw at this writers’ conference compared to what I see when I review the unsolicited manuscripts that come in to our offices.

I have since received emails and gracious hand-written notes from the conferees who were encouraged by my listening ear and advice. I am thankful for them too for being brave enough to set out into such a fickle profession as writing, for bearing their heart and soul to people they may never meet but whose lives they may change, and for showing me that there is life, energy, and creativity still brewing in high concentrations all around the world.

The Faculty
I had a great time covertly comparing notes with the other faculty who attended. I was honored to sit on a nonfiction book panel with Christian publishing veterans Suzette Jordan, acquisitions editor at JourneyForth Books; Steven Lawson, senior editor at Regal Books, Jeff Braun of Bethany House, Craig Bubeck of Wesleyan Publishing, and Rick Steele of AMG Publishers. They each had impressive bios that I scoped out beforehand on the conference Web site.

The audience who questioned us held no punches. When the very popular question about author platform arose, I thought it was funny how we all played hot potato with the mic, took turns clearing our throats, and shifting our bodies in the seats. It’s not that there wasn’t an answer, but I think Craig Bubeck said it best, "It’s a little like trying to nail down Jell-O." I think that it is also something that, in the Christian book market, we have a hard time accepting and dealing with because Christians are often taught to be selfless and humble. And on the surface, it would seem that building an author platform is a lot like tooting your own horn. But it’s not. Building a solid author platform for your specific goals as a writer is simply using the tools available to let as many people you can know about the special niche, gift, or advice you have in order to enhance their life in a meaningful way. I think that’s service oriented, right?

The overall response to the panel was positive. Many of the participating publishers had a variety of outlets for almost all of the projects represented, and the writers seemed like they had their needs met.
My takeaways from that experience: become more knowledgeable about author platform, and the most difficult kind of book to place (all of us admitted) is the personal story a writer tells of his triumph over a tragic situation. I met with many authors who had that kind of story.

I got a chance between appointments to fire my own set of questions at Vicki Crumpton executive editor at Baker Books; Nancy Lorh, acquisitions editor at JourneyForth Books; Steve Lawson, who I mentioned earlier; and David Long, fiction editor at Bethany House. While talking with David, I discovered that Bethany's fiction imprint puts out about forty fiction books a year with a team of like twenty or so editors. I was shocked! How in the world is our team of two acquisition editors, one imprint editor, one developmental editor, and two copyeditors putting out sixty traditionally published books a year (fiction and nonfiction), some of which have been among our nine New York Times best sellers and countless CBA, ECPA, and Publishers Weekly bestsellers? No wonder we don’t go to writers’ conferences! I wonder if the other publishing houses are trumped that tight with editors.

I also enjoyed cutting up with my buddy Jeff Gerke, fiction editor and publisher for Marcher Lord Press, who helped us launch our fiction line, Realms. He is so cynical with a great sense of humor. I love it! I made new friends with author and template queen Cheri Cowell; Rebeca Seitz of Glass Roads PR, who helps us promote our new historical fiction line; and Meredith Smith of Creative Trust Literary, who will hopefully be sending us some good historical fiction stuff. I connected with Carol Wedeven and Angela Hunt who had both written some beautiful children books for our now-on-hold CharismaKids imprint.

The Workshops and Keynotes
For my own personal growth, I attended about four of the 101 classes that the conference offered: “Understanding Show vs. Tell and Point of View” by Jeff Gerke, “Beyond Words: Writing Great Prose” by author and speaker Jeanne Gowen Dennis, “Branding Yourself for Maximum Impact” by social networking specialist Laura Christianson of Blogging Bistro, and “Understanding and Negotiating Book Contracts” with legendary agent Les Stobbe.

I was glad I could fit in the fiction and prose workshops because I mostly edit and “write” nonfiction, but what I love to read is fiction. What a dynamic couple nonfiction and fiction/prose-type writing make when they marry. So I am secretly working on that for my own repertoire. I also know that the skills these fascinating teachers taught me will help as I edit and develop nonfiction.

The branding and contracts workshops also served a dual purpose as I make strides to continue growing and expanding my career as well as advise my authors about how to build a platform, what leverage they need to negotiate contract terms, and how to present a credible personal brand to their readers.

The keynotes were impressive because they kept reinforcing a very critical asset every writer needs: authenticity. Cec Murphey, ghostwriter for Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson (a book that changed my life FOREVER. I read it in middle school and literally was never the same) and coauthor of 90 Minutes in Heaven with Don Piper, spoke Thursday night, Friday morning, and Friday night. Jerry B. Jenkins of the famed Left Behind series, the Jesus Chronicles, and Riven spoke on Saturday night. Though both of these men are completely different characters, they brought to life the same emotion in me—hunger for well-written, honest, and engaging reads. They encouraged all of us to know and accept who we are and share that bit with even the one person who may read our work and be impacted. They took us all down from our lofty visions of huge worldwide notoriety to a place of intimacy and humanity with that one reader. They helped us to know that being significant isn’t about sales numbers but about putting out our best and truest work no matter how many actually get to read it. I liked that a lot.

I read a lot of stuff, and I can just say that a majority of the time a writer is copying the tone, topic, and style of another writer. There may not be anything new under the sun, but there is only one you who can say what you can say, the way you can say it. Find that thing--whatever it is--and perfect it. Don’t be afraid to commit to it. Go…all…the…way!

My first writers’ conference experience was fantabulous as you can see. Exhilarating even. I would totally do it again. My preparations did pay off, and the reception was warm among my peers and the conferees.

By the way, JOB is for "Jevon Oakman Bolden," not for the perfect man in the Bible who lost everything in the whirlwind only to gain back more the second time. Although...

7 Questions Every Author Must Be Able to Answer About Their Book


How I Prep for My First Writers’ Conference