Officially Unbossed
BREAKING NEWS: After fourteen years as an in-house book publishing editor, I have officially broken free from the corporate matrix. That’s right: you are looking at a free agent. Yesterday was my last day as senior editor at Scholastic. I’ve made the transition to better focus my time on my clients—both publishers and authors. You saw it coming, didn’t you?
There’s so much more news to come of my building BOLD mentoring communities, facilitating webinars and workshops, speaking at conferences, and writing and publishing my own books. But we’ll get to that. For now, I am OFFICIALLY UNBOSSED. I am the owner of Embolden Media Group LLC—website and branding are in the works. In the meantime, I will continue doing business as Jevon Bolden, Editor.
Sometimes when someone launches a new venture people want to know how to support. You can support me in four ways:
- Tell serious faith-based authors and inspirational personalities about my work as an editor and ghostwriter. Tell them I can help them say what they want to say in books and provide great resources for their audiences.
- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Like my posts, if they mean something to you, and share them.
- If you’ve ever worked with me and had a great experience, leave a review/endorsement of my work on my Facebook Page or LinkedIn profile, or send me an email of our experience together and I’ll post it on my website.
- If you’re a person of few words, you’re a doer or a giver, I have PayPal.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing that scares you every day.” Transitioning from full-time employee to full-time business owner is my one scary thing for a few days, maybe months... But it’s awesome and energizing, something I’ve been preparing for my whole life. And there’s still more to come. Stay tuned as this story develops.