Quick Guide to Christian Literary Agents, Publishers, and Writers Conferences

Finding the right literary agent or publisher who publishes what you write and who shares a similar set of beliefs can be a challenge. It's not that you need to agree on everything, but you do want to feel connected, like-minded, and equally yoked on the things that matter most as you fulfill the assignment God has called you to.

The first thing you need to do as a steward of your gifts and assignment is to be ready to put in the necessary work to research your options. Who is publishing what you are writing? Do they accept unsolicited book proposals or manuscripts? If not, you need a literary agent to help get you in the door. So now you need to discover which literary agent represents authors who are publishing books like yours.

I am providing some resources that group Christian publishers and literary agents in one place to make your job a bit easier.

A Comprehensive List of Christian Book Publishers

For starters, self-publisher WestBow Press put together a comprehensive list of Christian book publishers that you can go through in batches to make a list of publishers who publish what you are writing. Use their online catalogs and new release lists to see what they publish. You can also search them out on Amazon.com to see what books and authors are listed under their name.

For my Spirit-filled author and writer friends, here is a short list of Spirit-filled Christian traditional publishers:

If you know of more, please add them to the comments below.

Submit Your Book Proposal Directly to Christian Publishers

ChristianBookProposals.com (formerly ChristianManuscriptSubmissions.com) is a service of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) and was initiated at the specific request of ECPA member publishers looking for new authors and desiring an efficient way to review unsolicited manuscript proposals.” (From ChristianBookProposals.com/about-us)

Lists of Literary Agents Who Represent Christian Authors

Next, here are a few resources for literary agents who represent Christian authors:

  1. Reedy’s list of “The Best Literary Agents Seeking Christian Submissions

  2. The Christian Writer's Market Guide

Lists of Literary Agents of Color

  1. Literary agents of color (includes agents who serve the mainstream publishing market not only Christian)

  2. Black literary agents (includes agents who serve the mainstream publishing market not only Christian)


Lists of Christian Writers' Conferences

Writers' conferences are the best places to meet with a fabulous cross-section of editors and agents and pitch them your book ideas. They are also some of the very best places to take book writing classes, get help with crafting a fantastic elevator pitch and book proposal, as well as get help and one-on-one mentoring for the book project you are work on.

  1. Westwind Communications' List of Christian Writer’s Conferences for 2023

  2. The Christian Writer’s Market Guide keeps an updated list

  3. Search Google for “Christian Writers Conferences”

How to Get a Publisher to Consider Your Book Ideas

I'm going to leave you with these quick tips on how to get publishers to consider your book ideas, so that you have the basics in one place for what you need to keep in mind as you seek out a publisher and literary agent:

  1. Do your homework and put together an outstanding book proposal.

  2. Build an outstanding author platform (speaking engagements, social media engagement, website/blog).

  3. Research publishers' manuscript submission guidelines (most often found on their websites), and see if they publish books like yours. Then follow their instructions for submitting your book proposal/manuscript.

  4. Get a literary agent to pitch your book to publishers that don't accept unsolicited manuscripts. Find an agent that represents books like yours and send them a query or book proposal based on their submission guidelines found on their websites. Agents can be found via Google search, at writers' conferences, and by recommendation/referral.

  5. Meet with the publishers' acquisitions editors at writers' conferences/publishing trade shows and pitch your book idea.

Additional Helps and Resources

Here are several other articles I've written that may also help you:

On Crafting a Great Book Proposal

The Secret to a Great Book Proposal

Book Proposal Checklist

On Developing Your Target Audience

Who Are You Writing For? How to Discover Your Target Audience

Not Cleary Establishing Your Target Audience Will Ruin Your Writing

On Building Your Author Platform

The New Author Platform Is About Building Community

On Publishers

All Things Being Equal, Does It Matter Who You Publish With? About choosing the right publisher

The Secret Life of Acquisitions: The heart behind the acquisitions process

On Agents

5 Reasons I Love Working With Literary Agents: My perspective of working with agents as an acquisitions editor

On Persistence, Waiting, and Dealing with Rejections

The Gift of Gentle Persistence: On the art of the follow-up

7 Ways to Win at Waiting: On waiting for responses from editors, agents, and publishers

Celebrate the Nos in Your Life: On dealing with rejection

10 Ways to Make Rejection Work for You

On Being a Christian Author

15 Websites to Help Writers Keep Up With Christian Publishing Trends

Guest Post: Simple Tips for the Christian Writer

Guest Post: 5 Tips for the Christian Writer

On Writers Conferences

6 Things Writers Should Not Say to Editors or Agents at Writers Conferences

What Happens to Writers After the Writers Conference? Here are 7 things that should NOT happen

General Tips for Submitting Great Book Ideas

7 Questions Every Author Must Be Able to Answer About Their Book

Basic Word Processing Tips for Writers Submitting to Publishers

Free E-Book: GET PUBLISHED: Seven Secrets to Getting Your Manuscript Accepted

The Time Is Now to Take Your Publishing Dreams to the Next Level

Let me know if this helps. 

Updated April 26, 2023


November Is Your Chance to Make Good on Your Annual Book Writing Resolution


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