Two years ago today, I stepped away from a pretty nice senior editor position at a pretty nice publisher. I stepped out of a perceived comfort zone into perceived unpredictability. I stepped out of the boat to see if I could walk on water, took a leap of faith to see if I could fly...

I can. I did. I’m still afloat, still flapping my wings. And Embolden Media Group turns two tomorrow.

I have so much to learn about being a business owner. It is challenging. Things are not all where I want them to be. I am making lots of mistakes and trying to learn from them. It’s scary. It is.

And then I’m not exceptionally brave, I don’t think. Fear is a signal to me rather than a wall. Fear, in this arena and when it surrounds a good thing, signals to me that the possibilities ahead are bigger than me but that they may have come to me for a reason—a God reason, for which I had been being primed for even before I knew it. Then when the pressure toward the thing builds almost to a scream, I leap forward to explore it. So I say yes, even while feeling afraid.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

—Eleanor Roosevelt

I don’t remember how I came upon this Eleanor Roosevelt quote, but it’s been a guiding principle in my life. I love the motivation it gives me when I have an important phone call, a new opportunity to write another book for someone, have to take a trip alone, or speak in front of an audience. It’s exciting and scary. What if I fail? What if I run out of time and can’t prepare like I’d want to? What if they don’t like it?

When I have a big thing in front of me, I pray, repeat this quote to myself, and go for it. How would I progress if I don’t take the call or say yes to the book or seeing what it’s like to start my own company that may open doors for people who might not have the same chances if I didn’t?

I love life. I love new things. I love ideas. I love learning. I love growing. Pushing past fear is hard and for some so seemingly impossible that they are crippled or paralyzed by it. We each have our work to do. There’s something for me in this tug of war with fear. It’s in the results. I love seeing the result of pushing past fear and going after what’s on the other side. How would you ever know what is there in you and outside you if you don’t push? Yep, I could fail but I could also succeed.

Being able to live the “what if I succeed,” “what if this works,” is exhilarating. Attempting as it can be sometimes, I can’t let my fears hold me back. Living this out, a lot of times means doing it scared.

So I did it scared. Some days just reliving the fact that I did it is my one scary thing for the day! But it’s more often that the love for what I do pushes aside the fear and propels me forward.

I’m so grateful for the trust, encouragement, and support that have been extended to me these last two years. Publishers, authors, freelancers, conference coordinators, and many more have made room for my ideas, expertise, and advice when there are many others to choose from. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for sticking with me. I feel the “so-much-more-to-come” throttle revving up in my spirit.

Here’s to more!
