About Writing and Failure
“I always consider the entire process about failure, and I think that's the reason why more people don't write.” —Ta-Nehisi Coates
What do you think about this statement coming from award-winning author and journalist Ta-nehisi Coates? Would you say that the bulk of the hindrances you may face when it comes to writing involve failure—and maybe the fear of it?
What do things like writer's block, procrastination, and distraction point back to for you?
How do you overcome them and write anyway?
If you struggle in this area and have not been able to break through and write anyhow, let me offer that it is OK to push back against the hindrances. Do not lay back as if failure is your lot. It is not.
Learn and then practice how to be proactive against things that may stop you. You may have to slow down in the moment and assess the signals your mind and body may be sending BEFORE you white-knuckle your way through.
In the moment where the hindrances feel strongest, stop and ask yourself, What's stopping me from writing in this moment?
Am I afraid? If so, what am I afraid of?
Am I lacking knowledge or resources?
Do I need more time to get into the flow than I've allotted?
Am I really interested in this topic right now?
Am I worried about something unrelated to this writing assignment?
Once identified, ask yourself, What do I need to get through this and on to writing?
Do I need more time to write?
Do I need to do more research?
Do I need help sorting through my thoughts and ideas?
Do I need encouragement or validation from someone outside myself?
Do I need to change my physical location?
Write it down. Make a list, so when these moments come up again, you can give yourself what you need to get back to writing.
Knowing yourself in these moments—being self-aware—actually is more of the battle won than we may realize. It’s important to get to know what stops us and what gives us energy for the journey ahead.
If you want more tips about how to break through hindrances to your writing, like writer’s block, check out my ebook Break Through Writer's Block: New Tips, Insights, and Practices to Get You Writing Again. It and other resources are in my shop.