A 50- to 100-word bio similar to what would go on the back of your book cover will suffice in helping me get to know you.
A 250-word summary should be enough to give me an idea.
Who is your target audience? For example: yourself (a family keepsake), Christians, people who want to lose weight or get healthy, baby boomers, millennials, children (ages 3-5), middle schoolers, young adults, married couples, college students, career women, leaders, men, and the like. Please include age group or ethnicity, if either applies.
Share your heart for the message of your book. What do you hope to accomplish by publishing it?
List the titles of the books or articles you’ve published. Were they self-published or traditionally published?
Thank you so much for your submission. It has been received. Please give us eight to twelve weeks to offer a response. If you don’t receive a response in eight weeks, please feel free to follow up.
While we hope to respond to every query that comes in, sometimes the volume of queries makes responses to each one difficult. So if you’ve not heard back in twelve weeks, there may not be any interest at this time.
Thank you so much! I pray you find a home that is just right for your book!