Book Proposal Checklist
Before you hit "send" on that query or proposal to that agent, editor, or publisher, you'll want to make sure you've dotted all your Is and crossed all your Ts. Here's a list that could help you get one step closer to your publishing dreams.
My mentor and boss for many years developed this list and made many authors who they are by empowering them to work through and perfect each of these elements:
- A well-articulated book idea
- A 300-500 word editorial summary of the topic
- Chapter titles with a 2-3 sentence description of each chapter
- Your current author bio
- Helpful information including your current itinerary, information about past media/publicity appearances, significant social media numbers (Twitter followers, Facebook fans, blog subscribers)
- Comparative book titles that are currently on the market and why yours is different
- A list of all published books (including self-published) with name of publisher, date released, and total units sold to date
- Who is your audience? Describe the kind of reader you believe your book will best reach
- If you have special expectations of a publisher, state them with your proposal, including any contract terms you want to see or a critical date for release of your book (e.g. if you are having a large event based on the topic of your book and want the book available then). Just be sure you understand it will not be possible to release the book earlier that 9-12 months after you plan to submit the manuscript. If you need it earlier, discuss your needs with your agent/editor who will then be able to help you determine if there is a way to get books for that event.
Hopefully you can see ahead and realize that this information is not just for the agent or publishing house. As you begin to grow your platform, you will be asked time and time again, "So tell us: what is your book about?" You want to be able to do this with ease. This is great prep for media interviews, online profiles, and any other place you or your book may show up. The first three steps are also a big help in the writing process. Get those three well honed and it's all down hill from there.
Are there any things on this list that are causing you trouble?