The Well Writer's Cycle
Beyond mastering their craft, every writer needs a healthy and sustainable writing practice that includes periods of inspiration (query, research, observation), expression (writing, sharing), and restoration (reflection, celebration, rest).

Read, Learn, Write, Revise: 10 Assignments for the First-Time or Aspiring Author
Writing coaches and professional editors and writers often give the necessary and hopefully paralysis-breaking advice to writers: “Sit down and write,” "Get those words on the page," "Just write.” And just writing is sometimes the scariest and toughest part, but then what? We’ve bled all over the page. The words are there. What’s next?

Not Clearly Establishing a Target Audience Will Ruin Your Writing
One mistake I see authors consistently make is trying to make their book relate to everyone. You cannot write for everyone. Choose a target and hit it on the bulls'-eye. Let the residual or secondary audience present itself organically.

Fit Matters: Q&A on Finding the Right Editor for Your Book
Recently, I had a great exchange on Facebook with author George Pearson. An author of two books and currently working on a third book, his books are written for the Christian market. However, the criteria George and I discussed for finding the right editor for his work is applicable for authors of various genres and topics.

You Think It’s Easy for an Editor to Critique Your Work? Think Again.
It may come as a surprise, but it is not always easy for editors to give critical feedback on manuscripts. While I believe the editorial mind is geared toward quickly noticing what's missing, wrong, or out of place, there's also a human on the other side of that mind who knows what it is like to receive criticism on creative work.

To Be or Not to Be Politically Correct—A Consideration of Words and Language
Not too long ago, I was editing a book in which I chose to use the words enslaved people instead of slaves. A person reading over the material asked, “Why not just say ‘slaves’?” I thought it was a good question, though I didn't imagine being asked about it. I know why I chose it. It was not a second thought to me. I also understood why the person asked, and it was completely innocent. But it got me thinking about how some people would actually take issue with the word choice—enslaved people—thinking, "Here we go with all this political correctness."

Guest Blogger: Sheridan Davis, Author of Pretty for a Dark-Skin Girl
I invited Sheridan Davis, author of Pretty for a Dark-Skin Girl, to write a guest post for my blog because her book and her passion to encourage and heal people in areas concerning race dovetails closely with what I'd like to see myself do in this next season of life.

Writers Are Healers: When's the Last Time You Used Your Power?
Writers have a unique weapon at their disposal that can bring healing to the world. That weapon is the written word. Just like any weapon it can be wielded for good or evil. The right word at the right time can have a huge impact if only on one reader at first, transforming them into a force of change and compassion and producing a ripple effect that can ultimately impact entire cultures and societies.

My Top 10 Most Encouraging Blog Posts to Help Writers Reach Their Goals
One of my favorite things to do is encourage someone toward their dreams. In turn one of the most rewarding part of my job as an editor is to see that encouragement become a dream realized for the dreamer. Sometimes all you need is for someone to give your dreams real and grounded validation and approval. I believe that there is hardly anything impossible for someone who is believed in and believes in themselves.

The Supernatural Power of the Pen
When I write things down, they become part of my consciousness; and somehow my hope, actions, speech, and expectations align with what was written. How does it happen? I have no idea how this happens, but when I look back and see I "unconsciously" accomplished the goal, I am completely amazed.