30+ Ways to Show Your Favorite Author Some Love
I came across a wonderful list a couple years ago: "If You Love a Book Author and Want to Help Her: 36 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love." The tips are still relevant, especially today--Valentine's Day. Some of you may have valentines, some may not, but either way today is all about love. Love is really an action word more than it is a state of being.
Being "in love" is for the birds and maybe some bees. Time-tested, eternal love is about a deliberate choice to take a course of action consistently in someone else's favor.
So do you really love the writing in that book you're reading? Are you so engrossed in the story that you forget you are actually reading? Has this book challenged you to live a better life? Give more? Work harder? Go the distance when you first thought you should quit? Take that leap of faith? Yes? Well, you need to get off your duff and show some love! Actions speak louder than words, and that author needs to know that they are impacting people.
On his blog Book Marketing and Book Promotion, John Kremer shares 36 ways you can help a book author you love. They are so easy and practical that if you do them you won't break a sweat or the stride in your regular routine. Here are a several of the tips that stood out to me, sort of in my own words and not in order:
- Recommend the book that means so much to you to a friend.
- Gift the book to friends and family on holidays and birthdays.
- Recommend the author's website, blog, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter feed, and other online networks on your own social networks.
- Pray for the author. Yes, pray. Prayer works.
- Recommend the author's book to your reading group or book club.
- Interview the author on your blog.
- Write a review on Amazon.
That's easy, right? Even that little bit can help. Show the authors you love them today. Choose one and go!
Happy Valentine's Day!