4 Ways to Overcome the “Multicultural Kids’ Books Don’t Sell” Mind-Set
In a Chicago Triune article, Nara Schoenberg quotes Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania: “Fewer than 40 books by African-American authors for adolescents were published in 2015….Every year thousands of books for kids and teens are published, and every year we don’t seem to be able to get that number much over 100.”

All Things Being Equal, Does It Matter Whom You Publish With?
You are the cream that has risen to the top. You have several publishing offers in front of you. You have your pick of the litter. Advance and royalty rates are basically the same. What now becomes your deciding factor? Does it really matter whom you choose to publish with?

Should Editors Tell Authors to Do Things They Wouldn't or Don't Do Themselves?
When I launched out into the social media scene, my main purpose was to see what it really takes to build some sort of digital presence, so that I could say to my authors, "You really should have an online and social media presence," without feeling like hypocrite.

30+ Ways to Show Your Favorite Author Some Love
So do you really love the writing in that book you're reading? Are you so engrossed in the story that you forget you are actually reading? Has this book challenged you to live a better life? Give more? Work harder? Go the distance when you first thought you should quit? Take that leap of faith? Yes? Well, you need to get off your duff and show some love!

Simple Social Media Plan for the Author Who Has No Idea Where to Start
As a book publishing professional, I have made it one of my focuses to understand social media well enough to help the authors I serve. I've even helped myself along the way. With that, here is a very simple social media plan to get you thinking in the right direction as you build your platform and hopefully sell books in the process.