Your Super-Successful Book Launch Webinar Bundle

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Whew! You finally finished your book. Editing, proofreading, formatting, and cover design are complete. Congratulations! You did it!

Now all you have to do is upload the files to the printer or to an online independent publishing service. But you just can’t hold your excitement.

As you see it, publishing your book and making it available is just a few clicks away. You’ve practically typed out your Facebook post and added the picture of the full cover layout. BUT instead of clicking POST or SHARE, I want to stop you right there.

After all the investment of time and money, is just throwing your book out there to see who catches it the best way to recoup your investment?

Is it the best way to honor your call to write the book you have?

What if you pushed pause instead, took a few steps back, and investigated and educated yourself on what you can do to




YOUR SUPER-SUCCESSFUL BOOK LAUNCH is a four-part webinar series that will take you through a proven book launch timeline with tips, creative ideas, and strategies that will help you put together a fantastic book launch.

  • Get easy, low-cost marketing and promotion ideas you can do yourself—yes, you!

  • Learn how far in advance to start announcing your book to build interest

  • Discover ways to fund your book project through presales

  • Unlock the secrets to building your social media following and email list

  • Understand the inner workings of blog tours and booking speaking engagements

  • And more!

Let’s be honest, you’ve spent a long time (and possibly a lot of money) crafting a book you are proud of. The last thing you need after all you’ve invested is for your book to debut to tumbleweeds and crickets. Together, let’s raise the level of your voice and message.

Part 1: Your Prelaunch Strategy 

Prepare the way for your book in advance of your release date. 

Don’t be too fast in setting a sale date without making sure your announcement will be well and widely heard. 

In this 80-minute webinar, I will walk you through what you can be doing while you are still in the writing phase to begin to let people know about your book. 

From building a webpage and growing your email list to regular blogging or launching or podcast, there are many ways to strategically set your book up for a successful and profitable release. 

Part 2: Your Raving Launch Team 

The best marketing is word of mouth. 

How many times have we heard this? But how true it is. 

In this 70-minute webinar, you will learn how to leverage a launch-team strategy to boost awareness and sales of your book in the 30 to 90 days after its release. 

Discover what it takes to get people excited to support you, talk up you book to their friends and family, and give advance reviews of your book. 

Like a ripple, launch teams are a proven way to spread the word about your book. 

Part 3: Your Big Launch Day 

Rise and let your book shine! 

In this 60-minute webinar, you will learn creative ways to let the world know your book has been released into the atmosphere. 

Whether you mastermind the whole day from your home office or you host a high-end, in-person gala, you will learn just what you need the day of your release to see your book move up the sales charts and into your readers hearts and minds. 

There’s nothing like the buzz of a new book on release day.

Part 4: Your Stunning Book Table 

Set the table and set the tone. 

This 70-minute webinar will be a fun, hands-on webinar. Bring even your mustard seed amount of creativity. 

We are going to talk through

  • How to make your table stand out at your events

  • The items you must have on your table

  • What vendors to use for cool and complimentary merch, banners, and other table settings

  • Ideas for how to draw attention to the star of the scape—your book

  • And more!