WRITING WELL: 3 Tips for the Speaker Turned Writer
Going from speaker to writer can be a big shift in expression, but there are ways you can capture your most compelling messages and transformative ideas and get your words on the page and in the book you’ve been called to write.

Managing Negative Thoughts and the Memories of Past Disappointments: A Pep Talk
Living in these moments for you, sent and called one, is an energy leach the enemy counts on. When you find yourself going back to the memories and emotions of the moments you've already begun to heal from, take up the active work of Philippians 4:8.

The Well Writer's Cycle
Beyond mastering their craft, every writer needs a healthy and sustainable writing practice that includes periods of inspiration (query, research, observation), expression (writing, sharing), and restoration (reflection, celebration, rest).

5 Reason You Don't Want a Writing Coach
You’ve done OK by yourself. Sure, your book isn’t done, but once you really set aside the time and make the commitment, you could get it done if you really wanted to. The isolation of the writing life does not get to you at all. Friends and family may not understand the sacrifice you need to make to write your book, but you’ve got yourself and God.

About Writing and Failure
If you struggle with overcoming hindrances to your writing and have not been able to break through and write anyhow, let me offer that it is OK to push back against them. Do not lay back as if failure is your lot. It is not.

3 Ways the Pray Hear Write Practice Enhances Your Spiritual Writing Life
Your spiritual life as a writer is more than just about how often you read the Bible, pray, and go to church. It’s also about how your whole internal life provides you the right environment to create what God has called you to create and how you will share what you create with others. Helping to develop this right environment, The Pray Hear Write practice enhances your spiritual and writing life in three significant ways.

4 Ways to Approach Prayer for Your Writing
This is about actively participating with the Spirit of God to assume the right heart posture. How you think and believe as you engage with God is important. So here are the heart postures that help me approach God about my writing.
Embracing the Cycles and Seasons of Creativity
As I cycle through what is required or what I am committed to as a CEO, a creator who leads and coaches other creators, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a friend, the messages my mind, spirit, and body communicate back to me are writing a new set of rules.

Maybe Means No
I brought in the new year reading Kim Perell’s Jump. It was a perfectly timed read. In chapter 4, “The Power of Decision-Making,” she writes about the powerful bit of advice her mom gave her when she was dealing with indecision: “Maybe means no.” Your gut. Your intuition. Your Holy Spirit. Trust it. Trust Him. You know when you are not feeling open to the options in front of you. You know a no when you feel it.

The Catalyzing Power of Discomfort
Discomfort is a catalyst for change, for taking a leap you wouldn't normally take, for breaking into something you wouldn't have chanced if your back wasn't against a wall.